Select your first journey:

You can change it later or start multiple journeys.


Feeling unseen
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel like your hard work at home goes unnoticed
  • Struggle to explain your daily challenges to your partner
  • Miss having adult conversations and feeling valued
  • Wonder if your partner sees you as more than just a mom
  • Feel disconnected from your partner's world outside home

This will help you:

  • Get your partner to really see and value your daily efforts
  • Learn to share your day in a way your partner understands
  • Find ways to feel more connected to the world outside home
  • Rebuild a strong bond with your partner beyond parenting
  • Feel more confident and valued in your role at home
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Getting annoyed often
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel your blood boil over small things
  • Catch yourself snapping at your partner
  • Struggle to let go of built-up frustrations
  • Wonder if you're overreacting to minor issues
  • Feel guilty about getting annoyed

This will help you:

  • Learn to spot your irritation triggers before they blow up
  • Develop ways to calm yourself
  • Improve how you talk about what bugs you without starting a fight
  • Work with your partner to fix the little things that cause big annoyances
  • Feel more in control of your reactions and happier in your relationship
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Missing closeness
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel disconnected from your partner despite living together
  • Struggle to find quality time together due to busy schedules
  • Miss the emotional intimacy you once shared
  • Feel your needs are overlooked in the relationship
  • Fear career and family overshadow your relationship

This will help you:

  • Rebuild emotional and physical intimacy with your partner
  • Find joy and fun in your relationship again
  • Create a balanced approach to career, family, and relationship
  • Develop effective communication strategies that fit your busy lives
  • Build a stronger sense of partnership and teamwork
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Needing more help
2 seats
15 sessions
5 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel like you're doing everything alone at home
  • Wish your partner would pitch in more without being asked
  • Get frustrated when your partner doesn't notice what needs to be done
  • Feel like your work at home isn't valued
  • Struggle to find time for yourself because of all the tasks

This will help you:

  • Get your partner to help out more without fights
  • Feel like a team again, tackling home life together
  • Have more time for yourself and things you enjoy
  • See your partner appreciate what you do every day
  • Feel less stressed and more supported in your role
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Drifting apart
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel like you're living separate lives
  • Struggle to find time for meaningful talks
  • Wonder if your partner still values your role
  • Feel your relationship is losing its spark
  • Worry about growing apart as individuals

This will help you:

  • Understand and appreciate each other's daily lives
  • Create a balanced routine that works for both of you
  • Rediscover shared interests and build new ones
  • Improve communication and emotional connection
  • Grow individually while strengthening your partnership
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Guilt about me-time
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel selfish for wanting time to yourself
  • Struggle to put your needs first without feeling bad
  • Worry that taking me-time makes you a bad mom or wife
  • Feel guilty when you're not constantly doing something for your family
  • Beat yourself up for wanting to focus on your own interests or career

This will help you:

  • Feel good about taking time for yourself without guilt
  • Enjoy a stronger bond with your partner through open talks
  • Find a balance between family and personal time that works for everyone
  • Rediscover your passions and interests outside of being a mom and wife
  • Feel more energized and happy in your daily life
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Losing yourself
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel like you've lost your identity beyond being a mom and wife
  • Struggle to find time for your own interests and growth
  • Miss the person you were before having kids
  • Feel stuck in a routine that doesn't include your passions
  • Worry that your partner doesn't see you as a whole person anymore

This will help you:

  • Rediscover your passions and create a personal growth plan
  • Feel more confident and fulfilled in your daily life
  • Improve your connection with your partner as individuals
  • Create a better balance between family duties and personal needs
  • Feel seen and valued for who you are, not just your roles
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Can't speak up
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel unheard when talking to your partner
  • Struggle to express your needs without feeling guilty or selfish
  • Hold back your true feelings to avoid conflict or disappointment
  • Feel your partner dismisses your concerns as unimportant
  • Worry that speaking up might upset your partner or cause more problems

This will help you:

  • Talk openly with your partner without fear of judgment
  • Feel heard and understood when sharing your thoughts
  • Solve problems together as a team, not opponents
  • Build a stronger bond through honest, caring talks
  • Feel more confident in expressing your needs and wants
Start assessment quiz


Pressure to provide
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel the weight of financial responsibility on your shoulders
  • Worry about meeting your family's needs and wants
  • Struggle to find time for family while focusing on career
  • Feel your efforts aren't fully understood or appreciated
  • Doubt if you're doing enough for your family's future

This will help you:

  • Feel more confident and less stressed in your provider role
  • Work better with your wife on family finances
  • Find a good balance between work and family time
  • Feel your hard work is seen and valued
  • Build a stronger financial future together with your wife
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Missing family time
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel guilty about missing important family moments
  • Struggle to switch off from work mode at home
  • Worry about growing distant from your wife and kids
  • Feel torn between career demands and family needs
  • Miss out on daily family routines and inside jokes

This will help you:

  • Create a better balance between work and family life
  • Feel more connected to your wife and children
  • Enjoy quality family time without work distractions
  • Build lasting family memories and traditions
  • Improve your ability to be present when you're home
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Feeling unappreciated
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Work hard but feel your efforts go unnoticed at home
  • Struggle to balance work demands with family needs
  • Feel criticized for not doing enough around the house
  • Miss feeling valued for your sacrifices and hard work
  • Find it hard to explain your work challenges to your wife

This will help you:

  • Feel truly seen and valued by your wife for your contributions
  • Enjoy a stronger, more understanding partnership with your wife
  • Find a work-life balance that works for both of you
  • Communicate more effectively about your needs and feelings
  • Rediscover emotional connection and teamwork in your marriage
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Communication breakdown
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel like you're speaking different languages with your wife
  • Struggle to switch from work mode to home life
  • Find it hard to open up about your day
  • Zone out when your wife talks about her day
  • Avoid deep talks because they often lead to arguments

This will help you:

  • Talk to your wife in a way she really gets
  • Switch easily from work to home without stress
  • Share your day without feeling drained
  • Listen to your wife's day and actually enjoy it
  • Have deep talks that bring you closer, not push you apart
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Intimacy struggles
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel too drained for intimacy after work
  • Worry your wife thinks you're not interested in her
  • Miss the deep connection you used to share
  • Struggle to switch from work mode to husband mode
  • Feel guilty for not meeting your wife's intimacy needs

This will help you:

  • Enjoy more fulfilling intimate moments with your wife
  • Feel more connected to your partner emotionally and physically
  • Balance work demands with a satisfying home life
  • Communicate openly about intimacy needs and desires
  • Rediscover the spark in your relationship
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Feeling left out
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel like a stranger in your own home
  • Miss out on family jokes and routines
  • Struggle to join in family conversations
  • Wonder if your family even notices you're there
  • Feel disconnected from your wife and kids

This will help you:

  • Feel more involved in your family's daily life
  • Share more laughs and inside jokes with your loved ones
  • Connect better with your wife and kids
  • Find your place in family routines and activities
  • Feel truly at home when you're with your family
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Missing her old self
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel like your wife's whole world revolves around the kids
  • Miss the fun, passionate woman you married
  • Struggle to connect with your wife beyond parenting talks
  • Wonder if your wife still has dreams outside of motherhood
  • Feel less close as a couple

This will help you:

  • Help your wife find her interests again
  • Enjoy deeper, more meaningful conversations beyond just the kids
  • Watch your wife become more confident and unique
  • Spend more quality time together as a couple
  • Grow closer by helping each other
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Guilt about work
2 seats
30 sessions
10 levels

If you sometimes...

  • Feel pulled between work and family
  • Worry about letting down your wife because of work
  • Find it hard to focus on family after work
  • Miss family events due to your job
  • Feel bad about not helping enough at home

This will help you:

  • Create a healthier work-life balance
  • Reduce guilt and stress about your career choices
  • Work better with your wife as a team
  • Be more present and involved with your family
  • Find strategies to balance work and family better
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